电影威猛乐队 Wham!

威猛乐队 Wham!


  • 片名:威猛乐队 Wham!
  • 状态:HD
  • 主演:乔治·迈克尔/安德鲁·维治利/
  • 导演:克里斯·史密斯/
  • 年份:2023
  • 地区:英国
  • 类型:纪录/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:英语
  • 更新:2024-05-23 06:24
  • 简介:An intimate celebration of George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley’s enduring friendship, from childhood and through their years together as one of the UK’s biggest bands.                                                                    Michael and Ridgeley met at school in Bushy, near the town of Watford. They first formed the ska band The Executive before going on to release their first single as Wham!, Wham Rap! in June 1982. Success wasn’t immediate, but when it finally came, the pair crested a wave of success that continued until their farewell concert, The Final, at Wembley Stadium in June 1986. Chris Smith’s hugely entertaining film offers full and unprecedented access to the band’s archive, including unseen footage and interviews with the duo. The result is a nuanced portrait of an enduring friendship and a joyous musical travelogue.
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首页电影纪录片威猛乐队 Wham!


 当前资源来源SVIP1 - 在线播放,无需安装播放器


An intimate celebration of George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley’s enduring friendship, from childhood and through their years together as one of the UK’s biggest bands.                                                                    Michael and Ridgeley met at school in Bushy, near the town of Watford. They first formed the ska band The Executive before going on to release their first single as Wham!, Wham Rap! in June 1982. Success wasn’t immediate, but when it finally came, the pair crested a wave of success that continued until their farewell concert, The Final, at Wembley Stadium in June 1986. Chris Smith’s hugely entertaining film offers full and unprecedented access to the band’s archive, including unseen footage and interviews with the duo. The result is a nuanced portrait of an enduring friendship and a joyous musical travelogue.


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    Estevan Oriol/Mister Cartoon/史努比狗狗/小克利夫顿·克林斯/西奥·罗西/Eric Haze/Revok/维尔摩·瓦尔德拉玛/乔治·洛佩兹/特拉维斯·巴克/米歇尔·罗德里格兹/科比·布莱恩特/瑞恩·菲利普/Tony Touch/David Choe/丽莉·吉欧/埃米纳姆/泰瑞·克鲁斯/B-Real/伊娃·朗格利亚/马克·霍普斯/Larry Muggerud/铁人/斯科特·凯恩/Senen Reyes/布莱恩·格雷泽/丹尼·特雷霍/保罗/杰森·布伦/50分/克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉/
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    Heber Cannon/Mat Fraser/Marston Sawyers/
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    Afaq/Panmela Castro/Stéphane de Freitas/
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    凯西·杰伊/Marc Angelucci/Jack Barnes/Richard Cassalata/Harry Crouch/Rachel Edwards/Paul Elam/Dean Esmay/Warren Farrell/Kristal Garcia/Sage Gerard/Tom Golden/Tim Goldich/Fred Hayward/Jess Kay/
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    安吉拉·贝塞特/蒂娜·特纳/奥普拉·温弗瑞/卡托里·霍尔/库尔特·洛德/Roger Davies/特里·布里顿/Jimmy Thomas/Erwin Bach/LeJeune Fletcher/Carl Arrington/Ann Behringer/Rhonda Graam/
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    Lorena Ramirez/Mario Ramírez/Santiago Ramírez/Juana Ramírez/Talina Ramírez/Diego Ramírez/Yolanda Ramírez/Rubén Ramírez/María de Jesús Hernández/
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    Bill Blakemore/Geoffrey Cocks/Juli Kearns/John Fell Ryan/Jay Weidner/




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